filing fortress storage

Leave us a quick message

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Telephone Number (required)

    Your Company Name (optional)

    Do you require items to be stored?
    yes short term (0 - 3 months)yes long term( 3 months +)No

    Brief description of goods

    Do you require distribution?

    Do you require us to unload any vehicles?

    Any other information you would like to provide us with?

    Enter the code into the box below.


    Filing Fortress have turned Self Storage on its head.

    Why waste time hiring a van to get you to a self storage centre?

    The team at Filing Fortress can collect your personal effects from your home of office and provide delivery back to you at a time to suit.

    We can store, deliver and help set up exhibition/ event equipment nationwide.


    We have an array of vehicles from small vans right up to 7.5 ton lorries.

    Quotes are available on request.


    Storage doesn’t need to be expensive and with our price match service you cant go wrong.

    We will beat any written quote you have for Storage.